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Archive for the ‘Political’ Category

Hilary Clinton’s new campaign manager

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Breaking news! We found Hilary Clinton’s new campaign manager!

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln Starts off Pandering

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Steven Spielberg’s film Lincoln starts out very politically correct and panders to the audience. Specifically, after the brutal opening of the film, there is a scene of awed Union soldiers reciting the Gettysburg address to Lincoln and a young black man “lecturing” Lincoln.

BUT, after that scene, it builds… and builds… and builds to an extremely well crafted film. Excellent on all levels and I mean all levels.

Kudos to all involved! The perfect collaboration between all the crew and talent as well as the state of Virginia is clearly shown in this masterpiece.

No more spoilers here, just go see the film!